End results of today’s stream. Thanks to everyone who hung out! Tried to paint with a palette knife

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Celebrating first moon landing. Today in 1969.

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In 1969, Neil Armstrong stepped onto the surface of the moon, and Tintin explored the moon way back in 1953. In honour of this historic event, Hergé sent Neil Armstrong an amusing drawing that simultaneously celebrated this historic achievement.

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En 1969, el hace alunizaje y el comandante se convierte en el primer humano en pisar la Luna.
“Un pequeño paso para el hombre y un gran salto para la humanidad.”

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"Small step on the moon, Huge step for the On 21st of 1969 Apollo 11: Neil Armstrong becomes the first person to on the at 2:56:15 AM

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Been re listening to podcasts around the 50th anniversary of mission. Still have a few of my prints available to buy if you're looking to decorate your walls whilst in lockdown.


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" Our Little wonderful Planet Earth is a small oasis in Space "

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"Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed."
Here men from the planet Earth first set foot upon the Moon, July 1969, A.D. We came in peace for all mankind.

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So many astronauts and scientists worked to make the moon landing possible. One amazing collaboration, one giant leap for mankind.

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“Last Dance over the moon” my last aviation print to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11 mission.

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