“That's quite good for a performance.. I almost fell for it.”
-Oh Sangwoo

Genre: Horror, psychological

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based on AMAZING Klara fanart!!

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Had an BL2 nostalgic trip while playing with a friend the other day.
Photo by dont_fade_away_photography_cos (IG)
Cosplay made by me

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Cosplay VS Character VS cosplayer!!!

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Jumping on the Cosplay Cosplayer Character train and realizing that I don't take "normal" pictures of me 😂😂😂

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Check out this amazing cosplay of my character by 🤍 Thank you so much for sharing this with me! Check out her page for the full photo

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作った時から撮りたいと思ってたポーズ✨ 黙示録で光の弓矢使えないかなぁ🤔☺️
I’ve been wanting to do this pose since the day I made the Bow, and I finally did it!!✨ I hope we get to use the bow of light in combat in AoC💓

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Here's MK kosplays.
So happy and Skarlet is the next cosplay I am planning to start her outfit soon. At least her scythe is done!

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