Fracctal Tamer 0793 Just Sold!
🏷 Price: 498.20 Ⱥ - $116.08
🫱🏻‍🫲🏼 New Owner: shibacrab.algo -

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CRAB TIME! I love it, because crab.

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Fracctal Tamer 0123 Just Sold!
🏷 Price: 498.20 Ⱥ - $105.49
🫱🏻‍🫲🏼 New Owner: shibacrab.algo -

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Fracctal Tamer 1047 Just Sold!
🏷 Price: 500.20 Ⱥ - $110.07
🫱🏻‍🫲🏼 New Owner: shibacrab.algo -

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Fracctal Tamer 1301 Just Sold!
🏷 Price: 650.20 Ⱥ - $143.21
🫱🏻‍🫲🏼 New Owner: shibacrab.algo -

0 2

tinyhorse 1342 Just Sold!
🏷 Price: 500.20 Ⱥ - $110.07
🫱🏻‍🫲🏼 New Owner: shibacrab.algo -

0 2


Here's image's of a Heikegani.

A.K.A, Samurai Crab.

And lemme tell y'all lil nigga's somethin.
The nickname of it is giving it away by how their back looks like.

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I... Also didn't know that Sebastian was a crab...

(I've never watched little mermaid though *hides*)

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Forcing myself to practice more digital art. Today's short scribble is a crab.

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Aaand its done. Might add some characters notes and make a reference sheet later, but for now, here are the boys: Saros the Hedgehog, Drill the Marten and Breaker the King Crab.

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