# art drawing illustration sketch ink creature animal critter shellfish shell crustacean crab claws sea ocean underwater angry mad mean weird strange irishartist irishart dublinartist lorcancassidy green insect bug creepycrawlie beetle chameleon camo camouflage leaf colourful castle fortress bastion plant plantlife flora flower petals pollen pretty candy sweets sweettreats monster demon candinomicon lovecraftian occult symbols horror bodyhorror macabre creepy knife dagger weapon ceremonialdagger frame framed tree branches roots wood building house home person figure fused merged amalgamation hybrid thelightmachine pjlynchart bookillustration dublinarts reaper grimreaper cookie cookies chocolatechip biscuit scythe robe fossil dinosaur triceratops skeleton bones skull undead zombie grave graveyard cemetery robot machine gumball gumballs gumballmachine fighter brawl brawler boxer boxinggloves silly red viscera guts organs heart gore artclubie collegegreen trinitycollege bankofireland spotthepolitician sketchbook charcoal blackandwhite fae fairy fairyfolk soot ash coal fireplace text info lore doodle day27 october drawingchallenge octoberdrawingchallenge prompt prompt3 brain organ blossom gross day11 nonsense drivel day4 berry blackberry fruit tongue raspberry rude mixture wolf werewolf lycanthrope spider arachnid web wolfspider legs eightlegs dragon fantasy sweet chocolate beast dino lizard biglizard reptile prehistoric prehistoricanimal crazy insane irishartists ireland artwork irish artist painting interiors joannatinsley

Illustrators Ireland’s ‘Bookworm’ group show continues at the United Arts Club in Dublin till the 5th of Feb.
Here is a detail of ‘The Light Machine’ one of my 3 paintings in the show.
Come along if you’re in Dublin.

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Joanna Tinsley
‘In The Poppy Field’
14″ x 10″


PM for further enquiries
Free UK and Ireland delivery
Viewings by appointment

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