Les recordamos que ya estamos en el año donde se llevan a cabo los acontecimientos de y

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Si bien y empatan en lo que a viajes de tiempo se refieren, en cuanto a impacto emocional Endgame gana, pues el error de DOFP fue el de introducir personajes nuevos que poca importancia tienen en la trama y cuyas muertes no transmiten nada.

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My newest fanart of Evan Peters as Pietro Maximoff 💙💙

Man, i love pietro so much...

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Celebrating 8 years of X-Men Days of Future Past ❣️❣️

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La migraña nocturna, que nunca falte 😑

Y me quedan 8 horas para echar otro Wordle. Pero qué injusticia es esta :__

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A perfect piece of artwork 👨🏻‍🎨

180x120 cms
Óleo sobre lienzo

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Let’s celebrate International Women’s Day with another X-Women Design! Up now. Can Anyone guess what I used for reference?


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I love drawing anything X-Men so here’s a look at a print I have.
Colossus and Magic Battle!
Colors by Dennis Lehman rtist

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This is with the Emma Frost Bombshell design! She’s one of several X-Men Bombshell designs available in my shop! Link in bio!

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Dang, and here I thought it was integral to Roberto da Costa's character to be a young biracial Black man, dehumanized for both his mutant nature & his Blackness.

Oops! My mistake, y'all!

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