April begins and come with new units on the Welcome Pack
Find them of course in the Last Sword Miniatures Patreon

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"Cry Havoc, and let loose the dogs of war..."

-William Shakespeare

Another inspired art piece. I heard this quote while watching a movie and had to draw it.

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Thank you kind sir

I've got plans to make other regiments of renowned Gonna give some Orruk Brutes with Hurricane crossbows to make Rudlugs armoured orcs

The new flying admech could make cool Birdmen of catrazza

This may turn in to a dogs of war army

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Been doing some shopping this week.

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Started painting 'Swiss Guard Sighthound' brand new Artwork for brewing barrel aged beer series! Looking forward to filling in the gorgeous colours of the Swiss Guard uniform, Toshi is going to look very smart indeed!

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Michael Ramirez on - political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6

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