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Güle güle Kara Murat, Malkoçoğlu, Battal Gazi, Dünyayı Kurtaran Adam... Güle güle usta... Erdoğan Karayel'in @donquichotteER çizgisiyle... #CüneytArkın
Böylesi bir uyuşukluk içinde
her şey perişanlık
ikiyüzlülük ya da yalandan ibaretti
Georges Bataille
#YenidenDirileceğiz Yüzde 25 PUHAHAHA Ersoy
Kur Korumalı Mevduat Meral Akşener Nebati
Malatya 1 Euro Atatürk'e Cemile Norveçli Türk Lirası #Erdoğanİstifa
Erdoğan gegen NATO-Erweiterung“
#Erdogan #schweden #NATO #schwarwel
"Turkey's President Erdoğan said that 2022 was a 'digital globalization year' and that Turkey needed to produce its own digital tools..."
Read the news 👉 https://t.co/VXf4Vq1Ipv
Cumhurbaşkanımız Sayın @RTErdogan’a, annesi Tenzile Erdoğan ile birlikte çizdiği resmi hediye eden Nusaybinli genç kızımız keman virtüözü Yağmur Badur'u, annesi ve Ak Parti İl Gençlik Kolları Başkanı Tarık Atlı’yı Valiliğimizde ağırladık.
Ziyaretleri için çok teşekkür ediyorum.
#Turkey bash #LGBT #pride parade in #Istanbul
#DeCartoonVanMarc #IstanbulPride #Pride2021 #LGBTQ #Erdoğan
*Tomorrow* #8M is the *deadline* to sign this petition. The campaign was initiated by the Kurdish Women's Movement to reach 100,000 signatures for 100 reasons Erdoğan and the AKP party in Turkey should be prosecuted for feminicidal policies.
#Turkey Purge: In response for social media companies not complying with the new social media law, which critics say muzzles dissent, Erdoğan accuses them of 'digital dictatorship,' says Turkey will not bow to their pressures https://t.co/VFnrerdTcG
Die Ermordung von Sara, Rojbin und Ronahi sind 3 von hundert Gründen, den Diktator Erdoğan zu verurteilen. Unterstütz die Kampagne @100Reasons_!
Erdogan is a dictator. Freedom for political prisoners and journalists.
Erdoğan bir diktatördür. Siyasi tutsaklara ve gazetecilere özgürlük.
#Turkey: Journalist Özgür Paksoy was sentenced to 11 months and 20 days in prison for "insulting the president" Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
Paksoy shared a cartoon I made about the murder of Tahir Elçi, a Kurdish lawyer critical of Erdoğan.
Only dictators are afraid of cartoons!
„Folge des Versagens der Weltgemeinschaft bei Syrien-Politik:
Erdoğan erpresst Europa mit Leid der Geflüchteten“
#erdogan #syrien #eu #schwarwel
Tonight the fascist dictator Erdoğan will instruct NATO's second-largest standing army to invade north-east Syria (Rojava), an autonomous zone run by socialist feminist Kurds. Those who stopped ISIS in Kobane will now be under attack once more #StopRacistTurkey #SocialistSunday
Soon to be Ex-New York Times International cartoonist muses “Who will show the emperor Erdoğan that he has no clothes, when Turkish cartoonists can’t do it?”
Heilderberg üniversite kantininde erdoğanin kendisiyle bizzat görüştüm, baktim garip garip şeyler söylüyor, tabii biraz frekansi yüksek oldu ama söylemek zorunda kaldim...
„Wahl-Annullierung in Istanbul:
Opposition gemeinsam gegen Erdoğans AKP“
#türkei #istanbul #bürgermeisterwahl #annullierung #demokratie #autokratie #diktatur #schwarwel