A funny feeling began to creep all over him. It began at the tip of his nose and trickled all through him and out at the soles of his feet. It was just as if somebody inside him were saying, “Now then, Pooh, time for a little something.” ~A.A.Milne

382 1959

A funny feeling began to creep all over him. It began at the tip of his nose and trickled all through him and out at the soles of his feet. It was just as if somebody inside him were saying, “Now then, Pooh, time for a little something.” ~A.A.Milne

494 1969

Lots of us have that as we know we have two days off coming up. Imagine if we had every day off just how good we would feel! here’s my

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What are your plans for the ?
Photo: Portrait of a Girl with Glasses, 2018

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Well its hope get some work done so i can get home fast

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