Once upon a time, War and Death walked together across the lands...
Chaos Dragon Gaav
Hellmaster Phibrizzo

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Chaos Dragon Gaav Origins

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The Gaav/Val was the best surprise!!!

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Wanting to find info that could reveal the ultimate spell weapon to vanquish Gaav or any of Shabranigdo’s generals, Lina is led by a mysterious spirit to one tablet that shows to her a chilling reality of what could happen if she uses the Giga Slave spell.

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Episodes 18 and 19 of Slayers Next.
Where Lina Inverse stumbles on an incredible dimension that contains a special copy of the Claire Bible. Alongside hat, they meet an important spirit linked to the Water Dragon. And they also meet Gaav, one of Shabranigdo’s five generals.

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With this series we see more of Shabranigdo’s powers. But also of how he has 5 lords working underneath him. One of them named Gaav. And this figure will be an important one involved in the rest of that season.

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Slayers: Vencer a Rezo y su clon. Calidad regular-baja, dos eps kanada y dos eps finales con gran dibujo

Slayers Next: Encontrar la Biblia de Claire, vencer a Gaav y Fibrizzo. Calidad normal-alta, primeros 5 eps de alto nivel en todos los sentidos, luego baja a un nivel estable.

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Book 3: Slayers Vol. 4

Amelia and Sir Phil make everything better! The foreshadowing to Gaav's introduction is handled really well, and you can tell that Kanzaka has a clearer direction for the series at this point.

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artober catch up continues with gaav and lina inverse

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Then there's guys like Gaav (*cough*ONEOFMYPERSONALGOATSHERE*cough*), who -- once you get to all the spoilers about him -- is actually a pretty interesting & potentially sympathetic case of a renegade outlaw. (*ahem*alsothatguywiththetealhairistoptierangst&theypairwelllol*ahem*)

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En otro orden de cosas me ha dado mono de Slayers XD y

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