No puedo odiarla, me da mucha ternura sus escenas del pasado y amo lo manipuladora que es actualmente xD Además es preciosa y me ha regalado el ship más repentino y con mayor tensión que hay en el manga xD
La banco completamente!

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Day 67 🤡

Guys, I don't care if you don't like my daily threads xd I'm going to continue posting them because ["se me canta la regalada gana"] Ok? 😛

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Jejeje miren, miren me han regalado este dibujo por mi cumpleaños ajdhsosjsks

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Galadriel with Nenya, Ring of Adamant

117 1017

Déjame ver qué me has regalado... ¡Guau! ¡Un escaradiablo!
¡Ve sus formidables cuernos! ¡Y su robusto cuerpo! ¡Es un ejemplar divino! ¡Definitivamente, un escaradiablo superónico!

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Galadriel in ocarina of time wind waker twilight Princess and skyward sword

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(Made by A.I.) Megaladon shark eating cheese angrily, Digital Art - See all 4 images or create your own on Web or PC:

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today's ship of the day is galadrew! this ship is between galatea claude and andrew kreiss. requested by

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No, perdimos por un gol que si era y que el var nos quitó, ah pero de eso no se habla por que no somos europeos y LEZ DEGALADON PENALEZ

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The element of water is something that surrounds Galadriel. It is her Nenya ring, in her mirror, in the river Celebrant that runs through Lothlórien, and even in the color of her eyes, blue as the seas Ulmo rules.

Week 5: Water–Tuesday 28/03/23

3 13

My last stoner to get to Megaladon. This is going to be a I’m so bullish on the and everything we’re building. Points system, rewards store, cannabis partnership, 3D and more.

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You're all set Frodo
credit to: ConsistentTaxz

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