‘Seriously Gertrude, you’re not fooling anyone with your pseudo pious pilgrim hat. The whole congregation clocked you lifting the vicar’s robes with your umbrella.’

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And for this Sunday’s caption contest, some rather extraordinary mustachios. Retweets to try and coax new entrants away from their wordle always appreciated.

Don’t forget when you enter your caption, and give lots of ❤️s away to your fellow competitors.

11 29

You enjoyed looking on the dark side in last week’s caption contest.

=1st 3rd 4th and some excellent additional ones to admire at

4 23

Enjoy this Sunday’s caption contest.

Please retweet to encourage others to enter, quote tweet your caption remembering and give away lots of ❤️s to your fellow competitors, even if you’re worried they might beat you.

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“I’m trying to train her. But she hasn’t quite perfected her ‘dog-napping’ technique. Keeps bowing & introducing herself.”

0 10

As Dpd were no longer couriering goods between England and France, Agatha had decided to take matters into her own hands.

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Claudette smiled wryly to herself. Smart move, hoovering up all those UK fishing licences back in the day.

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And now for this week’s Sunday caption contest.

Don’t forget

Please give a retweet to encourage new contestants, including your friends and family - think of them as collaborators, not competitors!

No limits to how many captions you hand out an admiring ❤️ to.

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