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@CSarracenian That feathered hat is called Jou-Gwan, which is very common as Goguryeo's men's hat. In korea, Because this hunting mural of Goguryeo is very famous, archery characters often wear this hat.
제가 제일 좋아하는 색으로 고구려 한복을 그려봤어요 ^^
I drew a Goguryeo Dynasty hanbok with my favorite color ^^
This is fastest time I've ever managed to finish an artwork!
(I started really late though 😅)
이렇게 빨리 그림을 완성 해본건 처음이에요! 하핫
(물론 시작 하기가 엄청 늦어졌지만 😅)
#한복 #한복첼린지 #hanbokchallenge #goguryeohanbok
고구려 사냥꾼 / The goguryeo hunter
#리틀나이트메어 #Littlenightmares2fanart #Littlenightmares2
[Goguryeo #Ondol #Dalgona]
Ondol is a famous Korean traditional heating & architectural system. This was Goguryeo's culture,
온돌은 유명한 한국전통의 난방 시스템이다. 이것은 고구려의 문화로
#Korea #KoreanCulture #Kpop #KoreanHistory #Hanbok
#Korean_hanbok_challenge #SquidGame https://t.co/Dz9rLRkQw6
All my clothing purchase decisions are driven by hanbok nowadays... The one on the right is just a regular pleated skirt that looks similar to the Goguryeo wall paintings.
수산리 고분벽화에 나온 고구려 한복이랑 너무 비슷한 기성복 치마를 찾아서 확 사버릴까 말까 고민중 ㅋㅋ
"How it feels entering the Bozjan Southern Front for the first time." by Goguryeo
고구려의 겨울은 추웠을테니 고구려무사들도 겨울 방호구 같은건 잘 챙겨입지 않았을까? 해서 그려봤다.
고구려 겨울 무사
Goguryeo Winter Soldier
라고 할 수 있겠지.
qianxun during the balhae kingdom era~
balhae was a korean kingdom that had control over a large chunk of manchuria & parts of the russian far east✨they considered themselves the "successor of goguryeo" (the previous kingdom) and are considered to have a mixed culture❤️