Poor greeks.

Ah, yeah, poor Gween, yeah, sure.

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Amazon series Orithyia and the Amazons invade Athens, but Antiope, now queen of Athens, fights alongside the Greeks. But she is accidently felled by a spear from Molpadia, who Theseus kills in revenge.

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Sketch inspired by "The Frog Prince and the Fool"
In this sketch I painted the Frog Prince, a legend told of by the Greeks. The legend tells that the Frog Prince was the son of King Apelles and his wife Petra.

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Fun Fact: The Pentagram is not some modern invention. It's around as a magical symbol since the Greeks.

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This classic musical instrument is the lyre - it was among the first string instruments to be invented a long time ago. It symbolized wisdom and modesty to the ancient Greeks. Minimal cursor with Lyre.

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Thesmophoria is the ancient festival of Demeter and Persephone, marking the return of Persephone to the Underworld, and held ag the end of the harvest. Celebrated exclusively by women, the festival was one of the few celebrated by all Greeks.

🖼: F.D. Millett

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High magic did not begin with early modern magic traditions like Thelema, but goes back to ancient Egypt and the Greeks. The Greek world called it Thaumaturgy, high magic that drew on ritual and therein performance and sacrifice, though not necessarily literal.

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“Until now we used to say that the Greeks fight like heroes. Now we shall say: Heroes fight like Greeks.”

Greeks Evzones infantry .1941

7 17

Colonize mars, build space colonies and then build a new Colossus like the ancient Greeks. But this time, across the entire solar system so that any alien wandering by can bask in the glory of our greatness.

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"Scylla" refers to the female sea monster from Greek mythology, the daughter of Typhon - Monarch later confirmed that Titanus Scylla was named by the Ancient Greeks.

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Hey, before it's too late: post the drawing you're happiest with out of the whole year!
For me, it was probably this Patreon commission of Aeneas. I drew him carrying his dad, Anchises, to safety from Troy as it was being sacked by the Greeks.

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Nylocke's Alpha-style costume would of course adapt the powerful armor of the ancient Greeks. There's "Nu" messing around with THIS knight!

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The Minoan Civilization existed from roughly 3000 BCE (Before the Common Era) through 1450 BCE. That’s about 5000 years ago!

Saffron Wave takes place in 1625 BCE, a few hundred years before the general time frame for the collapse of the civilization, before the Mycenaean Greeks.

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Thales of
"Everything is made of water" & "water is best"
Made his fame by predicting and eclipse around 585BC.
He is said to have travelled in and brought back to the Considered 1 of the 7 wise men of

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Final medical shout-out of the week goes to the Royal College of Psychiatrists, which matriculated arms for use in Scotland in 1972. The staff of Aesculapius has been a symbol of medicine since the Ancient Greeks.

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A few others from the Volker Pfüller archive: icons of the Weimar Republic, and two adaptations of the Greeks. https://t.co/DRDDtPXJ60

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Map shows the colonization of the Mediterranean by the Ancient Greeks. Clearly a seafaring superpower. Source: https://t.co/o79Le6PD5S

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Day 2: Greek AU

Eros and Psyche is my favorite myth of the ancient Greeks. The original Beauty and The Beast if you may say.

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"Leonidas at Thermopylae" (1814).

This massive painting of about 13 x 17,5 feet took almost 15 years to complete.
In this battle, King Leonidas, the Spartan leader, and his 300 soldiers sacrifice themselves to help the Greeks.
Art by French artist Jacques-Louis David.

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The first candles on cakes ware by the Greeks. They offered moon-shaped cakes to Artemis as tribute. To symbolize her moonly radiance, they lit candles on them so they'd glow.

📷 Michael-C-Hayes

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