Why would I, the number one fan, use Python? :P Because I wanted to play with the cool {riverrem} package by ! And it is very cool indeed. What's more, it is fast, faster than if I did this in QGIS.

And I used RStudio of course! Yay {reticulate}!

14 145

I've been playing around with some DSM data in (Arthur's Seat, Edinburgh) Amazing what you can do without needing to extra software. It's great to combine the results of a GDAL Hillshade with "edges" & the results of the Batch Hillshader plugin. Then come the blend modes!

18 187

Thinking about future outings, so I've had a quick look in the and it seems there's plenty to keep me busy - this is just a small section (nr Milton Abbot) for Fancied a bit of straight up this time, so this is all in

6 48

Playing w/ the new options for Mesh vector styling in You can choose between arrows, streamlines and traces. Streamlines and traces are wicked cool! Thanks

56 279