Why would I, the number one fan, use Python? :P Because I wanted to play with the cool {riverrem} package by ! And it is very cool indeed. What's more, it is fast, faster than if I did this in QGIS.

And I used RStudio of course! Yay {reticulate}!

14 145

I've been playing around with some DSM data in (Arthur's Seat, Edinburgh) Amazing what you can do without needing to extra software. It's great to combine the results of a GDAL Hillshade with "edges" & the results of the Batch Hillshader plugin. Then come the blend modes!

18 187

Thinking about future outings, so I've had a quick look in the and it seems there's plenty to keep me busy - this is just a small section (nr Milton Abbot) for Fancied a bit of straight up this time, so this is all in

6 48

Playing w/ the new options for Mesh vector styling in You can choose between arrows, streamlines and traces. Streamlines and traces are wicked cool! Thanks

56 279

Mapping backpacking routes and learning about digital elevation models with

0 5