👀(I added a little interaction for both of them)
mischievously pestered while he was dressing up in the early morning😘💙

3 16

-the black one who was called Tlaltetecuin-
In my story, he has special importance for Huitzilopochtli who is his only master.

17 84

Mesoamerica has a longstanding history of quality medicine, and in Dream Rider, this is no exception. The uniform for Tiuhtlan’s doctors is inspired by the black paint of Ixtlilton, the Nahua god of medicine and healing.

3 12

I want to mention the god of medicine and healing who also protect children in their asleep. He is believed to be the brother of and I'm curious about his obsidian mask and why he is called lieutenant?

6 26

Perdón por mi ausencia, pero tengo una buena escusa, me perdí en el oxxo.

2 2

Ixtlilton's tlilatl, "black water", does anyone know if there are any actual records on the ingredients or the preparation of that miraculous medicine?

1 26