Red panda gif we did on stream with Krita!

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Eyyy here we go! First was Winter and now we got Summer! Thanks again to for the AMAZING brushpack! Definitely download it if you use Krita!

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The Table and His Candle Companion B)

Made in Krita!!!

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I'm joining 's latest challenge with my rendition of Nicola's Samurai Tiger, done with

It's been a long time since I did some drawn digital art. Coloring this piece was fun!

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A quick sketch today was having fun messing around with Krita!

I call this piece "Smile"

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My first drawing on Krita!

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First drawing using Krita! Liking the feel it has so far, plus drawing on desktop is somehow so much more relaxing than drawing on my iPad.

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Trying to get the hang of drawing with Krita! So here's some Maddie.

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i luv making homestuck ocs (this one was made in krita!!11!!1!11)

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The Fire Walker 🔥

It was made with Midjourney and Krita! 🎨

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Incredible vision, incredible power!

First artwork to be mostly done with Krita! (I had to at least use SAI 2 to color the lineart.)

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Another test of Krita! Dang my hand hurts from using a mouse for only a minute....

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Here's a drawing of Naked Snake from Metal Gear Solid 3 I did a while ago on stream while learning to use Krita! I refined it a little since but never uploaded it until now.

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Hi, names AJ! I draw OC’s and multifandom stuff mainly and I draw on both phone and with krita! I like how my shading and lighting looks most of the time, but other than that there’s not much I love about my drawings ngl.

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finally figured out how to make an aliased brush that has pressure opacity in krita!!! also messed around with some other settings too >D

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And I mean, my exes aren't even killers! One's a mildly annoying guardian angel that took a form of an exe, and the other's a completely wholesome young virus that likes to make art in Krita!

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This is my Wolf Painting I made with Krita!

Recently, I been using OBS to Recording of What I'm been Painting on Krita, and I want to keep on Working. Trying to Draw and Paint Everyday, and Soon I will Animation with OpenToonz, or maybe with Blender?

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Tried my hand at a more painting type of style. Also first finished piece in krita!

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I always loved using the Recorder features, on Krita! The Program can record your progress, while you draw and paint!

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