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lovelyangemon sketch log

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I've come to the conclusion that if Aoi from was in she would have a Lopmon who would eventually digivolve to LovelyAngemon.

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La angelita mas linda y luchona de todos ¡LovelyAngemon! 🥰💖💕✨

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Digimon fan that just found out what Ofanimon looks like without her helmet via these official artworks (probably the closest to an official answer as to what Angewomon and LovelyAngemon look like without their helmets too).

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I would really like to know which digimons are part of the vortex warriors group next to the medieval dukemon. I think hexeblaumon, bloomlordmon and lovelyangemon would be perfect for this team.

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Para terminar el de NoblePumpkinmon, sus compañeros de
Curiosamente, tan solo NoblePumpkinmon y HeavyLeomon están en el mientras que Rasenmon, Mitamamon, LovelyAngemon y Gaioumon: Ito Mode, siguen siendo exclusivos del juego.

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im doing everything BUT study rn so!! random things ive done posting time
1) My own Hc/au version of leaf
2) lain w a calumon bcs i feel it'd fit as her partner!!
3) chibi-lovelyangemon,, for an rp thing im in teehee

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just found out about LovelyAngemon. She kicks ass!

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So I drew the fandom's favorite punch- I mean jogress, Shakkoumon, its evolution, Metatromon, he is a seraph digimon. I got inspired by one of

videos haha. He is more of close combat style, a counterpart of lovelyangemon.

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So I drew the fandom's favorite punch- I mean jogress, Shakkoumon, its evolution, Metatromon, he is a seraph digimon. I got inspired by one of videos haha. He is more of close combat style, a counterpart of lovelyangemon.

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Padoru Lovelyangemon y mi todo poderoso Masked Mightymon RX

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Salamon into gatomon into angewomon into Lovelyangemon

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러블리엔젤몬은 조금 큰거 같은데 괜찮게 나온편 인거 같구 성장기들은 작아서 금방 완성했습니다!

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La del tipo cayendo es de mi historia de digimon que escribo en wattpadZzzzz y la otra de lovelyangemon navideña es para una página de memes


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