
🍆ブース番号:西館4F M83


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8/20 スパコミ新刊サンプル
4号館 M83a きゃっさば缶




45 147

幻覚強めな上に暗いので注意です 細かい事全く気にならない方向け

96 542

※M83ネタです注意 むだに重い(3/5)

67 581

m83 妄想ユリ ⚠︎ネタバレ注意

93 867

Jesus christ how did we miss the M83 album with Frank Quitely art on here, what are we doing, people

21 93

Spiral Galaxy M83: The Southern Pinwheel
Image Credit: NASA, ESA, Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA), and W. P. Blair (JHU) et al.
M83 is one of the closest and brightest spiral galaxies on the sky. Visible with binoculars in the constellation of Hydra,

33 180

This is Ada. Her theme song is Highway of Endless Dreams by M83. I think it perfectly encapsulates her continuous efforts to be a better person and save others.


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Spiral Galaxy M83: The Southern Pinwheel
Image Credit: NASA, ESA, Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA), and W. P. Blair (JHU) et al.

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i like to introduce my LCR G6 Goods Engine made for slow and regular goods traffic that the LCR M83s cant do, last image is the G6 standing next to its cousins.

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I like to Introduced one of my newest Creations for the LCR the M83 2-8-2 Heavy goods engine for the Railway with Gifted Gresley Motion, 3 have been produced with a Possible 4th on its way, current ones are
8352 Carneddau
8353 Bennachie
8354 Moelwyn

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"...the spiral galaxy M83 or Southern Pinwheel, lies 15 million light-years away in the constellation Hydra. It contains thousands of star clusters, hundreds of thousands of individual stars, and "ghosts" of dead stars called supernova remnants."

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2022.3.2 M83

She’s always so positive and happy.
What makes her so confident?

Why is that?
How come?
How is that possible?

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Southern Pinwheel Galaxy M83 Img1 visible light Img2 infrared Img3 radio light (red) and ultraviolet light (blue) Img4 X-rays https://t.co/8GR3WXZXox

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a random sketch since I'm suffering from deadlines...
fact of the day, Holmes is taller than Jekyll (1m83> 1m75)
and I kinda thing Jekyll's idol is Holmes ngl

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So, Eland'Orr 's height is shorter than before. Finally Riktor can be taller than his wife😂 (Riktor is still 1m83 anyway)

English version for you

Eland: i tall 1m78 only...
Riktor:...that a shame.
Riktor: "YES!!"

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