Day 31: Next on the TBR pile

I'm sad that this fun month of book celebration is coming to an end. Up next for me in the book stack is THE SEA IN WINTER (). I loved I CAN MAKE THIS PROMISE, so I'm really excited for this one.

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Day 26: Favorite genre

Not a genre, exactly, but I am drawn to books that make me laugh & cry concurrently and give me that yearning-for-something feeling. Like these…

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Day 16: I feel lucky to have all of Kate DiCamillo’s books in my life, but LOUISIANA’S WAY HOME is one of my very favorites.

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Day 15 I love this CDN mystery series by narrated by . A fitting tribute to Agatha Christie: it's smart with impeccable research & has the dastardly deeds readers want. If you haven't read this one I highly recommend.

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Day of - great series. It's interesting as I don't read a lot of series and I'm not sure why that is. I read way more series! Enjoy these!
The Misewa Series by
Supernatural Investigations by
City Spies by

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Day 6 ~ There's so much beautiful art in everytime I go to the bookstore it's kinda like visiting a mini art gallery. Here are just a few favorites:

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Day 14: Part 2: Books Released In Spring you've read and can't wait to get: I was lucky enough to read ARCS for THE LAST SHADOW WARRIOR by and REA AND THE BLOOD OF THE NECTAR by . Two great Spring Releases I can't wait to share with others!

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Day 22
An illustrator shout out. I adore picture books & am in total awe of illustrators who manage to add that special level of complexity to the author's narrative. Therefore I cannot choose just one
First cab off the rank:

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Day 19
My students L-O-V-E graphic novels so much! None more than Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales series. Can't wait for to be our visiting author next year !

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Day 10 As an ESL teacher, PIE IN THE SKY was an especially fun and touching book by Remy Lai .
Can't wait to read her newest coming out!

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Day 7 a book with LGBTQIAP+ representation

My 11yo highly recommends ONE TRUE WAY by Shannon Hitchcock and STAR-CROSSED by

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Day 5: A new release I'm anticipating. Can't wait for Hollowpox Such a magical world & Fenestra is on the cover!!!!!! OMG!!!

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Day 5- My most anticipated new releases are THE COPYCAT by (coming this month, yay!) and A WOLF FOR A SPELL by

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For day 5, the new releases I’m looking forward to are... all of them? I can’t wait for all the diverse stories, spooky stories, the stories that give me all the feels and laughs! I’m especially looking forward to these great books by phenomenal authors.

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Here are the prompts for - we hope you'll join us in celebrating middle grade books in the month of March.

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Day 17: Did someone say ORANGE? and I happen to *love* 🍊covers! :)

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Day 17: A cover with a green and orange cover: MAD WOLF'S DAUGHTER. I'm reading it now, and it's great! A page-turning, powerful girl's story.

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