Gonna take a break from Xialingposting because I gotta go to programming class. But hey, did you know that Microsoft's MakeCode Arcade, a program to help kids learn to code, featured Xialing as the P2 of a Shang-Chi platformer?
First and only time AFAIK she's been in a videogame!

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Believe me when I say, there isn’t a single Resident Evil fan who doesn’t want this with every fibre of their being.

Let’s get this trending, RE fans.


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【お仕事】10才からはじめるプログラミング MakeCode Arcadeで自分だけのゲームを作ろう(技術理論社)


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The bit:board kit probably costs a lot less than most robot kits as well, with a growing library of micro:bit and Makecode projects ☑️

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【新刊】2020年12月23日発売『10才からはじめるプログラミング MakeCode Arcadeで自分だけのゲームを作ろう』本体2,260円+税、大角茂之、大角美緒=著/日本マイクロソフト株式会社=協力 ブロックを組み合わせてゲームを作ろう! https://t.co/MH5FsHp2zb

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10才からはじめるプログラミング MakeCode Arcadeで自分だけのゲームを作ろう 大角 茂之 https://t.co/hDVKWhgOTP より

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Simple Maze-Runner 90 secs mini-game done using Arcade by Microsoft and their tutorials. You can play it via browser or mobile (or use the code to port it to another hardware).

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ts fileで画像取り込みまではできるんだけど


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I have my students complete the tutorials to learn and then mod their code to further explore the possibilities once they understand basic syntax and demonstrate their understanding. It's neat to see how far some students take the modding...

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MakeCode Arcadeでふたつゲーム作ってみた



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毎月講座が届くプログラミング講座が登場! https://t.co/MSyRppF6DB


■プログラミングサバイバル生活 - Makecodeではじめるプログラミング

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Cool PyGamer - Retro Game style handheld gaming console https://t.co/FRExqPiDvE using

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