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Follow recommendation: Mark Rothko @artistrothko #markrothko #rothko
Today the @AnthonyQuinnFDN wants to share some inspiring words by #RobertMotherwell. He was one of the youngest of the New York School, which also included #WillemdeKooning, #JacksonPollock, and #MarkRothko.
#MondayMotivation #ArtScholarship #ArtistOnTwitter
Illustration inspired by 《Red》(National Theater 2010)
#ArtistOnTwitter #markrothko
Mark Rothko
An original Painting by me.
Click here to explore the sale:
#MarkRothko #art #painting #artoftheday #arte #artwork #artist #NewYork #Berlin #love #abstractart #architecture #news #kunst #ArtistOnTwitter #Tokyo2020 #England
@selavy2020 @dosankoshii @pekoyano @scastaldi9 @parisartfrance @shogyomujoBot @agustin_gut @Johancath @europa_manimani @ok_ha_ya @barrywyman2356 @gehojo51 @katsudiworld @J_Impressionism @liliana_dorina @ArgentArts @meddiebaddie @okayamapc @Esme_pa21 @kawabezmleka @sasfannet @AlexAngelo @NikoLas_112 @worldpainting2 @artistduchamp @paulbar59067209 @Mereshas @SemplicementeGL @keivi_jp @art_abay_ @theartofnagui @artsourced @briefArt_ @ARTAT1990 @ThatEricAlper @Fadhlaoui2 @MarilynSpirit @MarilynDiary @Xavi_Bros @forbyrita @ladevita12 @Deb69022064 @maksim92306025 @AnneScottlin @BetoReitenbach @garcialopez63 @Asamsakti @kurumifanclub 🌱
Save Your Tears.
#PaulCezanne #WassilyKandinsky #PietMondrian
#PaulKlee #VincentVanGogh #MarkRothko
#AndyWarhol #PabloPicasso
#Inframince #Duchampism
#諸行無常 #胡蝶の夢 #脳内融和🌈
“La gente que llora ante mis cuadros vive la misma experiencia religiosa que yo sentí al pintarlos” #MarkRothko
#ModernArt #ExpresionismoAbstracto
#GaleríaMontenegro #ArteModerno #ArteModernoyContemporaneo #QueElArteNoPare
A #painting is not
a #picture of an experience,
but is the experience.
🖊 #MarkRothko #Rothko
#DeepBlack #DarkBlack #BlackAbstract #BlackArt
🎨 #AnnPurcell
🔺#MarkRothko ( #Letonia 25 septiembre 1903-#NewYork 25 febrero 1970 )
“Un cuadro toma vida ante la presencia de un espectador sensible, en cuya conciencia se desarrolla y crece” #markrothko
#expresionismoabstracto #modernart #abstraccion
Imágenes vía @wikipaintings
Another digital paint experiment, no. 12 - Waves. Day 208 of Daily Design Challenge #MarkRothko #art #design