[ Maxwell Carter & Wilson Percival Higgsbury | Don't Starve ]

tol n smol

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Живописное полотно "Дурак и жабы", потому что Максвелл это заслужил.
The painting "The Fool and the Frogs", because Maxwell deserved it.

16 103

My best friend want to have maxwell asexual avatar, but he dont find it, so I do it myself.

2 6

So that new short...

I couldn't resist. He literally was like, "don't touch my book" and left Wolfgang standing there without thanking him 🤣

3 12

Бледный худой англичанин пожинает последствия купания в холодной луже. Холст, карандаш, старого идиота кусок.

9 79

They are so adorable and cute ... omg ... I need to draw them loving them a lot, I feel that would be someone who would need love.

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