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In Greek mythology, one of the most famous tales involving weaving is of Penelope, whose weaving and unraveling allowed her to keep her suitors at bay while her husband Odysseus was away. More in the thread below.
🎨'Penelope at her Loom'- Sidney Harold Meteyard. https://t.co/OT7zSueJzF
Mirror mirror...this week's #ThursdayTheme is all about revelatory reflections as featured in Holman Hunt's 'Awakening Conscience' (1853), Ford Madox Brown's 'Take Your Son, Sir!' (1856), Rossetti's 'Lady Lilith' (1873) & Sidney Meteyard's 'I am Half-Sick of Shadows' (1913)
Sidney Harold Meteyard (1868-1947), “The Golden Legend” by Henry Longfellow, 1910
Source: https://t.co/tCfEPTN5H7
@BrindusaB1 @BaroneZaza70 @agustin_gut @mmayr5 @paoloigna1 @Biagio960 @Asamsakti @GaiaGaudenzi @mhall55nine @GiardinoPietro @yebosfaye @peac4love @MomiraMonika @ritamay1 @emiglobalweb @famartinez2001 @emanuelaneri14 @nieuwemarlean @piotr408 @cmont4560 @ataturca @_Hyperion4 @MarionSpekker @newworlddd555 @ele9061 @hlcoatesmusic @Ryan_CaoDat @chiba3111218 @mirianagrassi1 @JenaC2 @salvadorpano @9HUrne5nPVQ7p5h @IgnOrtEsc @rehana_one @Ou_Prg @HassCho @AllaKrymova @Me87442466 @ghegola @nerissaemy_520 ~Where can it be
The love that one day denied me peace?. When will he return? #PérezBotija
S. #Meteyard 🎨
@marie_nassar @A_R_TforPEACE @Alchemist900 @semljnika @AndreiAndrei63 @chyasir131 @Hipollyti @Anishinabe_Life @kse_salman @saki_tokyojapan 🌄
As we nudge into 2022, this week's #ThursdayTheme features images of Hope. Hope that it will be a good year, a better year, and that we can get through it.... Contributions from Burne-Jones, Evelyn de Morgan, G.F.Watts & Sidney Harold Meteyard.
Sidney Harold Meteyard (English, 1868-1947), Lucifer and His Angels, watercolour with bodycolour
"Hope Comforting Love in Bondage" by Sidney Harold Meteyard (1901).
Sidney Harold Meteyard
①The Lady Of Shallot
②The Herald Of The Mystery
③Elsies Prayer
④Pelléas et Mélisande(detail)
@Banquozghost @YoungsMaggie @Lascivious_Lace @_MinaMurray @SilkAvril I want to rock (all night) with you girl (sunlight)
#RockWithYou, rock with you girl (yeah) (all night)
Dance the night away
-Dance of Death, Sidney Harold Meteyard-