Galakan berpuasa di Bulan Muharram

Dari Abu Hurairah RA, Rasulullah SAW bersabda;

"Puasa yang paling utama setelah Ramadan adalah puasa di bulan Allah, iaitu Muharram. Sedangkan solat yang paling utama setelah solat fardhu adalah solat malam." - Hadis riwayat Muslim, 1163.

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"One whose heart is filled
with the love of Hussein (AS), God blends with them and they fall in love with the Lord"

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Selamat memperingati Tahun Baru Islam 1 Muharram 1444 Hijriah bagi Reonites yang merayakan.

Semoga di tahun yang baru ini, kita selalu diberkati dengan kedamaian batin, ketaqwaan, dan pengabdian kepada Allah.

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💫Thank u all for the wonderful birthday wishes. U guys are the best💫Although the wishes are late n that ws due 2 muharram am very grateful that u took ur tym out n still remembered 2 wish me luv u guys a big thank 2
n ..🥰🤗😘

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Pagi ini tepat wafatnya KHR As'ad Syamsul Arifin, 13 Muharram 1411/4 Agustus 1990, pkl 07.25 WIB.

Usai Maghrib nanti, tepat wafatnya KH Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur), 14 Muharram 1431/30 Desember 2009, pkl 18.45 WIB.

Lukisan digital

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Semoga kita semua dapat Hijrah ke kehidupan yang lebih baik.

Selamat Tahun Baru Hijriah 1443H.

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⭐🌙 Selamat menyambut Awal Muharram & selamat bercuti semua!🎉

Salam maal hijrah! BoBoiBoy nak pesan supaya korang sentiasa pakai pelitup muka, cuci tangan dengan sabun, & amalkan penjarakan fizikal! 😷👍

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Shias mourn, Shias renew resolve to fight against tyranny.
In Indian occupied Shias suffer due to the tyranny of state.
Illustration by a most talented Kashmiri artist

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Worldwide, and in South Asia, Shias mourn these deaths even today through elaborate processions and gatherings.

Photo: Sewak Ram, "A Muharram Scene", Patna, India c1807. —Victoria and Albert Museum

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Muharram is the first month of the Muslim calendar, but not one to celebrate — rather, it is a month of mourning, observed in particular by Shias worldwide.
"The Muharram Festival". Late 1700s.—British Library

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Happy Islamic New Year to our QL Muslim Community! We wish you another blessed and fulfilling year! Tag everyone you want to greet a Happy Muharram 🌙

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Salam Ma'al Hijrah 1442, my friends 💖💖💖
✨✨✨ I hope we get better in our aqidah, akhlak, akal and hayat this year, Aamiinn ya rabbal alamiinn. 💖💖💖🙏🏻✨

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A Journey of Love - an Intifada Street Art Exhibition at this Muharram.

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