BOTH Scelidosaurus and Mymoorapelta have faint ridges on lateral osteoderms dorsally, which would be strongly expressed in overlying keratin. Gastonia dorsal osteoderms and spines have strong ridges around their bases that would extend to apex in overlying keratin.

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Mymoorapelta, Barosaurus, Ceratosaurus, Fruitafossor

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Holotype osteoderms from Mymoorapelta, E, F.. cervical ring lateral spine, M, shoulder spine, DD, EE, FF caudosacral plates. Rest of osteoderms from Gargoyleosaurus. Full fig of Mymoorapelta holotype shoulder spine and caudalosacral plates. Osteoderms define sp.

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Just triangular knives down the length of its tail. Gastonia lateral caudal plates twice the size of these (E-HH) from the Holotype of Mymoorapelta. Cover these in horn and think chainsaw blade on a handle.

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Mymoorapelta maysi, a nodosaurid from the Morrison formation.

This was drawn during Dinovember 2020, during which I made illustrations daily.

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