Last call for you to tag me in any faebruaryai posts on Instagram. I'd love to share a few more before the end of the month!

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My sweet little dawn 💕
Drawn by neonpinkpaint on Instagram.

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Cyringetober 4: glomping

At this point I'm using this to be a massive cringelord myself (and to draw my neonpink furswdswdona more often..)

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Please follow the link below to find my information, including examples and pricing! ♡ You can contact me here, on Tumblr, or at for inquiries!

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I am currently studying to be a graphic designer, and have some of the works I've completed in class below. I can create works like this on top of my regular artwork for as well. I can be contacted at for inquires.

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"Hm? What's wrong sweet-pea?"
"Can't sleep."
"Bad dream?"
"..Bad dream.."
"Here, maybe this'll cheer you up!" 🐋✨

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We've heard of Neonpink... but have you heard... of actual genderbent Subriden

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Please follow the link below to find my information, including examples and pricing! ♡ You can contact me here, on Tumblr, or at for inquiries!

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