Nichiren VCV 1.13 update!
-cleaned some bg noise
-fixed end breaths and glottal stops to actually work (i finally figured them out)
-reduced file size (darn u llsm files)
-tiny oto fixes


uhhh quick image bc im lazy (art by @/FOngaku)

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My Name Kinnison Dairenz, I was born in small werewolf clan, my Father is a human race and my mother is a werewolf race, and i can't change to werewolf mode, but I'm have werewolf alter, if you want to know what i'm going to do, follow my journey with starsian

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The Star Descends on Echi on the Thirteenth Night of the Ninth Month, from Concise Illustrated Biography of the Great Priest [Nichiren], by Utagawa Kuniyoshi, ca. 1830-1835

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今話題のAIが文章に即した絵を描いてくれるサービスで「法華経の行者(Ascetic of Lotus Sutra)」を描いた結果(一枚目)と「日蓮宗僧侶(priest of Nichiren-shu)を描いた結果(二枚目)「日蓮宗僧侶」の方がそれっぽい結果になった。右下がどう見ても大荒行後…

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Nichiren going into exile on the island of Sado

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Nichiren going into exile on the island of Sado

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Se so fin dall'inizio che sarò solo, non mi sentirò mai solo. Non mi dà assolutamente fastidio.
- Yokomitsu Riichi

Nichiren going into exile on the island of Sado
Utagawa Kuniyoshi

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Utagawa Kuniyoshi (歌川國芳, 1797– 1861)

Monk Nichiren Calming the Stormy Sea

ca. 1835

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Most of Akaza's story comes in threes.

- He is Upper Moon 3
- He has 3 strikes for 3 crimes, marked as tattoos
- He lost 3 people important to him
- Akaza is Buddhist and his themes largely come from 3 Universal Truths taught by Nichiren Buddhism

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Nichiren using the power of his prayer beads to foil an attack by Tôjô no Sayemon Komatsubara in 1264, from the mid-1830s series Illustrated Abridged Biography of Kôsô
(Kôsô go-ichidai ryaku zu, 高祖御一代略図)

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え!? ひと夏の出会い!? そ、それは期待してないわよ!」

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Utagawa Kuniyoshi - Nichiren going into exile on the island of Sado

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In Sailor Mars' "Evil Spirits Begone" attack, quick shots of Acala (अचल), a Buddhist dharmapala, are seen. In Japan, he is called Fudō Myō-ō & is revered in Shingon, Tendai, Zen, Nichiren Buddhism & Shugendō traditions. He is 1 of 5 Wisdom Kings.

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