Draw this knight in your own style and post in comments, curious to see other people's styles!

(Thought i'd use 's thingy for the image on the right 😅 i'll definitaly paint your space landsknecht lady in my own style once i'm done with some other projects!)

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"Gael", original character commission.
By Gabriele Rodrigo Ghirelli Caelpher.
More info about my commissions on

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Flashback illustrations 2021

One of my favourite commissions. A Beretta Shotgun engraved receiver


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La fragranza perfetta per una serata all'aria aperta è...
➡️ un po' dolce e un po' audace, proprio come VAMP! EAU DE PARFUM nella versione black 🖤


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Incredible colorus, light blue tih dark green. One of the most iconic animal rappresented here in all his greatness.

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La copertina realizzata per il nuovo numero di .it dove si viaggia (anche in bici) per l'Italia dei sapori, da Giovedì in edicola con
Art Director:

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