Simply put, I'm not good at drawing obesity because I only draw dry body shapes

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Dx3rd『The Obesity』一日目終了~!11D10の期待値は70です。ダイスを”理解らせて”いけ!GMひおりさん、PL天体、りーさん、nanaさん明日もよろしくお願いします!楽し~

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Using the prompt "portrait of an overweight::[w] blonde woman" and modifying the value of w allows us to control the obesity of the subject without going through a trial and error process to find the right adjective.

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>fatfur/obesity, force feeding(?)
did you know that actually stands for Massive Sitting Idragon? the I is silent btw

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To give a rib an odd tickle
I make it my life’s sole
Skew those framed perspectives
Tilt grandiose pictures in frames
Prick those inflated troubles
Deflate their pompous obesity
Pin a smile on Eeyore’s glum
Even if I can never fix his tail

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Funny how bellow there is a thread of “stop romanticizing obesity”.

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Molecular pathways linking adipose innervation to insulin action in obesity and diabetes mellitus.


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Just a normal Rika, no obesity here 👀👀👀

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Molecular pathways linking adipose innervation to insulin action in obesity and diabetes mellitus.


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Michiru joyfully succumbs to obesity~

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Well, this art just gives this idea itself, unfortunately I can’t contact the author of the original, but if he is against it, of course I will delete this post, still I don’t appropriate the idea for myself, I just made her fat, for the glory of obesity

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Stuck in a Fatty Video Game!

Trapped on a abandoned ship with a monster cake on the loose, Alex will have have to indulge and eat her way into obesity just to escape the ship! However, the more weight she puts on, the more she takes off.

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Page 21 of “Just One More Bite” My collab comic with rainydayglutton up to page 27 is on Pat//re/on today!! The unsung heroes of obesity! The many slices of pizza all around the world are actively fighting the battle of the bulge and winning pounds and kg’s everywhere!

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Paula is envious of Mei because she got fat on her own to save her family business, so she is seen as a hero. But Paula is cursed and this is her secret, she is afraid that if she reveals her obesity she will lose everything she got and everyone will despise her.

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A Lot of Alear from Fire Emblem: Engage…in Obesity

Commission for

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you don't need me to tell you this but there are a lot of overweight ppl unhappy with their weight in the world

i try to respond to that by being accepting / posting actual facts about obesity

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This is why Americans have higher rate of obesity and diabetes

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