OLDSNAKE 雷電Facecam - omigibson’s blog https://t.co/f6WEjjVTXN

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Metal Gear belongs to Hideo Kojima, Konami Microsoft and platinum games. This is Art Done for a Uni breif

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Finished Badge for Goldsnakes on FA!

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Finished Daki piece for Goldsnakes on Furaffinity ❤

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Finished badge commission for Goldsnakes on Furaffinity!

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once in a while i draw little thigs based on Renalds meet-the-character.

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網膜投影型の が世界的に普及したら、メガネタイプよりもスネークおじいちゃんみたいな眼帯型を付けてみたい。

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Ah yes, Hunky Sub-Zero, or as I like to call him, "Cold Snake"

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For a short though in Snake's mind a painfully long time. He was neither a Solid or Old Snake.
For at this moment, he was a Microwaved Snake.

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