Just two foresinc pathologists, but one of them is an eldrich monstrosity (and the other one is into it).

7 30

Lung mass from an adult shared by Dr. .
Diagnosis? What gene mutation is often present?
Answers: https://t.co/PBSN1k3uXU
More posts by Dr. Rutland on his Kiko profile: https://t.co/xCtRyZHvPC

35 77

A plen air painting of pathologists arguing in a laboratory while examining a watermelon

5 53

They say that "endocapillary hypercellularity (ECH)" has poor interobserver reproducibility among pathologists. I wish they could all be this easy. 8 yo F with newly dx'ed SLE, now with Class IV LN, diffuse ECH, few "wire loops" and "hyaline thrombi" (I still hate this term!)

19 66

🎃 The Nightmare Before Concha 💀

What’s this?
What’s this?

It's a nasal concha


58 205

Two stinky pathologists being forced to dwell on the "Naughty Step"...😌

3 11

20 yo woman. Thumb lesion. A perfect example! What is the diagnosis? Answer: https://t.co/ap5qa7YGWm. Video on how to tell it apart from a potential mimic: https://t.co/VgWjuYhRxV.

33 91

Case of glomangiopericytoma: diffuse growth of fascicular, solid or whorled pattern of spindled or oval tumor cells that arrange themselves around blood vessels.

21 53

2 pathologists have been President, William Boxwell (1875-1943) & Dermot Holland (1915-2006), both were also Professors of Pathology in
Boxwell was President of RCPI at the same time as his cousin Henry Stokes was President of RCSI

1 4


I would argue that all doctors interact with some part of the laboratory (AP/CP) every day as part of their career - some more than others but it is travesty that and remain a black box

10 33

Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia APML, micro-/hypo-granular variant. High TLC with abnormal promyelocytes (blast equivalents). Nuclei “coin-on-coin” bilobed or “angel-wing” appearance. No Auer rods. +ve for t(15;17) by FISH (no image).

23 36

Rare case of low grade DCIS and classic LCIS coexisting in the same ducts: a very uncommon growth pattern.

70 130

A classic seminoma to make the day from web pathology touch preps,HE and gross.

68 119

🍕Happy Pizza Day 🍕
Sometimes pizza looks like cancer

30 48

Olympic Rings
To commemorate the games here's some of the more tubular organs in your body!

84 119

Sometimes cancer looks like pizza
Epithelial cells from a lung nodule

21 34

Unicorn Vagina!
Happy Valentine's Day!

Based on tweeted by

31 32

A very beef-itting lookalike (sorry but steak puns are a rare medium well done)

23 21