La è tra i maggiori ostacoli alle serie politiche attive di fondate sul militare e culturale.
Meglio ricordarlo anche nella
[ non poteva spiegarlo meglio]

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When the League of Nations seemed 'The Hope of the World' PUNCH cartoon by Bernard Partridge 1920

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Let us all create every day! We would like to make a special wishes to end all wars and break down all the walls in the world. May we be able to help, through the stories we tell, to build an inclusive society with less divisions and peace for all!

1 1

Happy World Peace Day ❤️

Wishing love, hope, joy, kindness and peace to everyone everywhere 🌍


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🕊️ Salam damai untuk kita semua 🕊️
Sebutin dong, cerita webtoon apa yang bikin suasana hatimu jadi damai?

6 25

Happy International Day of Peace 2022!
Hope everyone always is filled with love and peace.
<Check link in the bio>

2 12

Selamat Hari Perdamaian Internasional, Reonites!

Ternyata hal-hal kecil yang kita perbuat bisa berpengaruh besar terhadap perdamaian dunia lho, Reonites! Contohnya dengan saling menghargai dan menghormati sesama tanpa memandang perbedaan di antara kita.

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Cartooning for Peace: 15 years of existence in the service of democratic dialogue, freedom of expression, human rights and peace. (Turkey) & (Brazil)

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