のpは 。首に羽毛のこんせき。#翼竜 の種は大きく分けて2つ。小型で尾が長いランフォリンクス類そして、大型で尾がみじかく、頭でかいプテロダクティルス類。こちらは翼開長150㎝ほどで、この種にしてはちいさい。

3 30

And of course it misses the structure that was described for Pterodactylus

1 29

here's a lil collection of sketch requests ive been doing over the past few nights
Therizinosaurus, Triceratops, Stegosaurus, Pterodactylus

13 67

What's up:
Due to the market conditions we are pushing back the mint date for 2 weeks, to June 22. We are growing fast and waiting for the bullrun to jump on the wave. Also, we have a lot of big collabs and activities coming as well.

And Evo PC character is pterodactylus

341 483

Three famous German fliers: Rhamphorhyncus, Pterodactylus, and Archaeopteryx. Crazy to think that all three, though very different, coexisted

57 307

What the heck: one more post because it's the weekend. Here's Pterodactylus walking along, showing how pterodactyloids held their limbs when on the ground. I really tucked the membranes in here: I wonder if we generally make them a little slack.

70 435

While I work on my piece for here's a few past drawings of island fauna, extinct and extant. From top left, Hatzegopteryx, Magyarosaurus, Compsognathus, Eryon, Pterodactylus, Dinornis (giant moa) and Strigops (kakapo)

34 204

Sesto the pterodactylus🐣

47 421

But other pterosaur-bearing rocks, like those of Solnhofen, preserve both young juveniles AND adults. We can't, therefore, entirely rule out parental care in sp. like Rhamphorhynchus or Pterodactylus. Maybe they did look after their young. Maybe they didn't.

10 99

Pterodactylus flipper flapper 💜

48 336

I think it's been long enough. This Pterodactylus needs a name (He's from the Kingdom of Katia, which has a mythological naming scheme) any obscure suggestions would help 🤔


1 2

thought I would make a series of posts highlighting the paleo flora of my work
1.A trochodenroid in my alaskacephale painting
2.Sparangium like grass in my troodon piece
3.Mangroves leaves from my thililua piece
4.Ginkgo berries in my pterodactylus piece

22 85

Day 13, Dino & Decapod: Eryon. Compsognathus having an unfortunate encounter with Eryon while an amused Pterodactylus watches.

2 7

Depictions of Iguanodon, Pterodactylus, Ichthyosaurus, Plesiosaurus, Hylaeosaurus and Megalosaurus based on the crystal palace statues as well as modern depictions.

440 1454

☠️ プテロダクティルスな骨さん🦖

🦕 Pterodactylus 💀 skeleton 🦴 Bone Boy

17 58

A fun comparison for Pterodactylus restored by Jean Hermann in 1800 vs. Pterodactylus restored by me, 220 years later. Hermann's pterosaur is the oldest known 'legit' piece of palaeoart - a fossil-based life reconstruction based on science, not mythology.

72 278