In addition to peek-a-booing, patty-clapping, ball tossing, rope jumping, & fingerplaying, Sheila Kerwin & I shared / from our fav. magazines. 60 attendees recieved BABYBUG, LADYBUG, HELLO and HIGH FIVE magazines.

2 13

Euclid - The Man who invented Geometry

5* reviews on Amazon -

“Fantastic book about geometry and how it began. Purchased for our gifted 5 and 6 year old children, & they love it. They have even named toys Euclid.”

0 0

✦ darktoria
how can you make babygirls out of the insanity of infernal systemed groomed children of evil in THIS ESSAY I WILL or the most unhinged RAREPAIR but my third eye is STARING MALICIOUSLY

2 3

What's your (seems) impossible dream for the new year? Mine is for all to have fully stocked classrooms where every student has access to the STEM supplies and resources they need to succeed.

5 62

Using the correct point of view can make student SING! Try this new lesson that shows students how to play with point of view

0 3

🧫Calling and
I’ve made a microbe

🧫Want to make model avatars for your research group/members?
🧫Use a fun activity about microbial shapes for &


15 22

If you want to give your slides a new lease of life for a new term don't forget all the great free vector art available at

4 6

J'ai le sentiment qu'une partie des Français, influencés par la propagande permanente anti des politiques depuis plus de 5 ans, ont oublié que, par 2 fois, a été élu sur la promesse de réformer notre

125 400