Birthday Morning snuggles + kith!! ♡ ´・ᴗ・ `♡


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btw i made ayaitto have matching patterns bc i dont know a lot abt men's kimono fashion... but they match!!!! also yes they r babygirling kjsr bc she deserves love and praise (she deserves love and praise)

im happy tht my artstyle improved a bit tho 🥳🪄 YIPPPEEE

3 25

SARAYATO NDERRRR 😭♥️ suka bgt mba sara yg ga pinter bersosialisasi dan ayato yg bisa ngebantuin diaaa AND AND mereka kerja bareng jadi tau beban dan stress masing"

and yae sama" jadiin mereka babu shogun klo sesuai chara storynya 🙃 cuman yg 1 nyadar dan yg 1 obsesi agama🤔

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aaand its a wrap! 😳♥️ i hope this sparks sth inside you 😈

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Golden Eyes pt.4: Sarayato, Sara x Ayato doujin, oneshot

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nation where are you 😭

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