I know we are all asking ourselves what day is it after Christmas? Well today it the deadline for ordering your school meals. So head to our website https://t.co/bJjYuBM3s0 to make sure you don’t miss out!

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Brian Adcock: is annoyed this story and the hungry children wont go away. - political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6

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Jo Gideon, a Tory trustee for the Feeding Britain charity, voted against free meals for kids over the school holidays. Between Oct-Dec 2020 food bank use will increase by an 61% compared to 2019 - latest from

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If your not sick of these Tory bas£ then you might be one of them. 3 million viable businesses being thrown to the wolves while these scumbags fill their pockets with taxpayers cash.

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If I could, I would post this to every MP who voted not to support 😢

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Is he still expected to ignore the as are the Not a single penny of support for 7 months. Where is the programme on Tory abuse of taxpayers money given in contracts to Tory shell, sham companies?

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People of England. The Conservative MPs voted to allow your children to go hungry. This is a deliberate action against the most vulnerable of our children. Why are you voting Tory? Do you support the starving of children by Westminster?

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People of England. Yesterday the ⁦Conservatives⁩ MPs voted to not support the most vulnerable children in England. They actively voted to refuse hungry children food. Think about that. No Tory will go hungry.

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Here are the names of 322 MPs voted to make sure children that are hungry get no support this half term.

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5 prints. 5 days.

I’ve teamed up with to raise money for The Black Curriculum.

Get yourself a print and donate to a great cause!


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Christian Adams on Marcus
Rashford achieving his goal, well done. - political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6

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