Lil golden waxing gibbous Requiem doodle inspired by some moon photos Jupi sent in a chat earlier.
Might finish it later, might not.
Enjoy either way and peep those cyan pupils hinting at something coming a little early due to the upcoming supermoon... 👀✨

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🐺A Super Warning Is In Effect! We will see frighteningly ferocious under this Some will have electrokinetic powers. God Of Thunder, controls this

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Today is Special Supermoon.

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Pics I snapped of tonight's supermoon.

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So here I am. The magic cattle grid under a supermoon. I can see for tens of miles. The sense of belonging that comes from utter stillness and being able to know and name every place and sound is incredibly powerful.

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Supermoon. Though famously called "Pink Moon", it will not literally turn pink.

Manual Edit
11:54 PM

biggest and brightest of 2020

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ICYMI: last night was a bloodmoon/supermoon. When the moon is closest to us (super) and reflecting the sun (blood).

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Here comes the supermoon...

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Moon and sea earlier. Beautiful night for the supermoon.

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"Supermoon." Experiments with technique.

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