🖊️Thank you ever so kindly, KRM, for your recommendation, you are a scholar & a gentleman, with a hero for the ages in your Tavish Stewart! I appreciate it! (original cover art for, "Night of the Kwatee" Artist: P. Emerson Williams)🖊️#SupportIndieAuthors

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For those of you who don't know, I've been running my webmanga at https://t.co/8konoBnlSF for over a decade now. A series that is inspired by both and . I would love to hear my fellow Motu fans opinion . Urge you all to pls retweet.

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Leila Del Duca—author of Sleepless — has launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund the sequel to her first graphic novel as a writer, AFAR.

Donate to Kickstarter: https://t.co/WGeuYVjbiY

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HF Comics is the home of the superhero conspiracy series
'The Freedom Fighter' by @ MDHeitkemper.

conspiracy superhero thriller comics
indiecomics supportindiecomics digitalcomics
supportindieauthors IARTG ASMSG IAN1

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HF Comics is the home of the superhero conspiracy series
'The Freedom Fighter' by @ MDHeitkemper.

conspiracy thriller mystery readcomics
indiecomics supportindiecomics digitalcomics
supportindieauthors IARTG ASMSG IAN1

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One week today, The Sah'niir is released!

Go read book one, The Zi'veyn, and prepare for a chillingly cataclysmic turn! Peek at chapters 1-5 for free here: https://t.co/wJOAsCI7qI

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During a rescue mission abroad, the Freedom Fighter has stumbled into a dangerous game of revenge.

Freedom Fighter Volume 6 by .


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During a rescue mission abroad, the Freedom Fighter has stumbled into a dangerous game of revenge.

Freedom Fighter Volume 6 by .


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During a rescue mission abroad, the Freedom Fighter has stumbled into a dangerous game of revenge.

Freedom Fighter Volume 6 by .


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"Death By Allegiance, Part Three: Freedom Fighter appears to have met his match in the form of THE DEFORMITY!"

Freedom Fighter Vol. 7 by !


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Freedom begins with owning your flaws and disowningyour fears-Umair Hague https://t.co/3f9ggtwuL9

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