Gonna be working on something new tomorrow so in the meantime, have this! :)

20 177

Been a while I haven't shared these guys!
A small party of adventurers doing their best!

(Red elf lady's design will be rework, it's nice but needs a little update)

19 187

Yesterday was Elhyana's past, today is Alyshia's!
From training on her own, to being exiled, to becoming Noshtraad's hero!

6 33

I keep having cool ideas for illustrations, so here's a very rough sketch for a new one!
Alyshia coming out of her favorite bakery, arms full of pastries!
Which allows me to explore a bit more of her city so that's nice!

1 28

Alright! I think I'm done with it!
Can't believe I started with no clue on what I'll do, and doubting what own skills at the time, to end up with this, I'm really happy with how it turned out!

51 253

Slowly making some progress on this! Still so much to do and so little time left!
(I bet the cropping will suck again XD)

20 126

Here's today's progress, refined the lighting, and mostly worked on the snake's head! Still a lot of work to do on this but it's going great I feel!

24 144

When I woke up this morning I didn't like the previous version at all, so today I decide to restart from scratch!
So here's the new version and some of the thumbnails I tried before going for this!

7 82

Finally started to work seriously on my entry for Art War 4!
An ancient snake who guard some very important relic from the past!
Bonus: research sketches

11 88

Throwback Marathon!
More secondary characters!
This is Kass, the leader of a trio of adventurer! She likes sandwiches and kill bad stuff!

7 63

Time to continue the good habits, we still haven't finish our Throwback Marathon!
One of the earliest I made for this project, showing off Elhyana's fighting skills, but in the end I won't keep it in the final story, only as a bonus

11 112

Throwback Marathon!
Time for some Elhyana backstory!

One night she come home, all the way she felt like something terrible was going to happen, and when she finally arrive, this is what she saw...

10 47

Throwback marathon continues!

After overcoming so much at such a young age, Alyshia finally found a place she can call home and even become what she always dreamed of, a Hero!

5 55

Found this one taking the dust on my hard drive decided to finally give it a go
Reworked some stuff already, this one is gonna be fun :D

-Elhyana finding out her wanted poster-
She's upset not because of the poster but because it's ugly

2 45

Kept working on her today, there was stuff I wanted to figure out, and I think I might have, also trying few solutions, which is your favorite?

2 15

Finally ! I finished it! I think I've been workig on this one for like 3 weeks right?
So here it is! The final painting, and I put some close up as bonus!

1 2