27h in don't think I'll be streaming it anymore and really got a thing for the eyes in the game.. so couldn't help myself but to make on Avatar Cosplay of Charlotte, or "Chawwotte" as she say, since it's not on screen I modernified it

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Bravo à la team !

remake en 3D, s'est vendu à plus d'un million d'exemplaire à travers le monde. Aussi bien aux formats physiques que numériques.

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📣 La cuenta oficial de la saga Mana acaba de anunciar con esta preciosa ilustración que el remake del tercer título de la franquicia, ha superado el millón de copias vendidas entre físicas y digitales.

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On Retro 188, how much more J do you want in your We're digging titles such as and as well as

Podcast: https://t.co/SkLUQT3YiW

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TEST — remake fané pour les fans, touchant mais déjà dépassé : https://t.co/OZpuUwfEJI

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Per festeggiare l’uscita di il celebre artista HACCAN ha creato una nuova illustrazione che mostra il cast del gioco. Vi ricordiamo che Trials of Mana è disponibile da oggi su Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 e Steam.

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Continuando con de en una de sus clases más populares y cancheras, el Edelfrei (o SwordMaster). Este es un del juego, propiedad de y El año entrante sale el ¿cómo se verá?

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Annunciato remake di Seiken Densetsu 3 che arriverà anche in Occidente! https://t.co/pUxHN0I1vM

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