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A GIF/Video thread
(💉😷 be good & safe - all )
👍🇺🇸👍#VoteBidenHarrisToSaveAmerica 👍🇺🇸👍
#VoteBlueToEndTheNightmare #VoteHimOut #TrumpIsLosing #ByeByeTRUMP #TrumpLiesEverytimeHeSpeaks #TrumpLied230KDied
@JoeBiden @KamalaHarris @Zigmanfreud @joncoopertweets @kirkacevedo @BerniceKing @BarackObama @MichelleObama @Beyonce
Not such a tough guy now, is he? #WearAMask #TrumpLied200KDied
@realDonaldTrump #TrumpDoesntCare
Coronavirus Update:
•7,590,218 Infected
•214,065 Americans dead
tRUMP has NO action plan to stop spread of the virus!
•NO National
-mask mandate
-social distancing
-testing strategy
-contact tracing
So ... what does that make 200,000+ #CovidDeaths?
Oh ... right: #VirtuallyNobody.
What will it be when 400,000 US deaths due to #COVID are totaled by end of year?
Archival @mikebpeters
RT @editorial_toons
“Secret CIA" info confirms Trump is 👉suffering from an
advanced case of Assholitis of the Puppet variety.
#CIA #TrumpIsNotWell #TrumpLied200KAmericansdied
😷 please stay good & safe & healthy
While a lot of attention will be devoted to #SCOTUS and replacement for #RBG, important to remember that nearly 200,000 Americans have lost their lives to-date due to #COVID and that number is rising
Archival @Nick_Anderson_
RT @editorial_toons
Duecentomila americani morti di #COVID19 💀
Trump: "Come ha potuto Joe Biden permettere che succedesse questo?"
@thebradfordfile @realDonaldTrump #TrumpDoesntCare
•6,788,147 Infected
•200,197 Americans dead
tRUMP has NO action plan to stop spread of the virus!
•NO National
-mask mandate
-social distancing mandate
-testing strategy
-contact tracing
@GOPChairwoman Who's the presidon't now @GOPChairwoman. #TrumpLiedPeopleDied
Trump’s nighttime monologue - a tragedy in multiple acts #TrumpDoesntCare #TrumpLiedPeopleDied
Trump a #BobWoodward : "Volevo minimizzarlo. Voglio ancora minimizzarlo."
Portavoce della Casa Bianca: "Il Presidente non ha MAI minimizzato il #coronavirus ..."
as we all wrestle with the latest affronts to decency and humanity care of Hair Führer, always good to reflect on Hillary's emails. #ButHerEmails #LockHerUp #HillaryWasRight #TrumpLiedPeopleDied #DontPanic #unpresidented
“Badge of Honor”??!!😡😡😡
sorry I had to draw this...but here we are
#TrumpHasNoPlan #TrumpLiedAmericansDied
"La buona notizia è: l'America è PRIMA!"
USA epicentro del #CoronavirusPandemic