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"We are inkblots daubed round the world. No matter how far one's view zooms on another, only our shells may entice strangers. The rest is efficacious upon meeting one's charm."
"You must be fun at parties." #TrickyTues #SFFAskew #TuesCalm #TunesdayWriters #TransWords #BraveWrite
Your supposedly special someones stay for a stage. Smiles change w/ the leaves & warm hands slip from reach. You wonder how you could've stoked missing sunrises & light abiding moons—but you were also a season. #IWrite2Music #TunesdayWriters #HumpDayWrite #TransWords #BraveWrite
We paced on silent concord, hands connected. I think we'd both grown tired of walking around dern shadows for months on end, hoping someone wouldn't find out and tell our parents everywhere we'd been more than friends. #TrickyTues #SFFAskew #TuesCalm #TunesdayWriters #BraveWrite