Digging these UNHCR art pieces to help benefit those hurting due to the

If you're not a holder, you can still contribute and get some for 20 bucks... all for a good cause.


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I did mint my Okay Bears for UNHCR this morning to support the critical emergency relief efforts in response to the devastating earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria.

It's a fantastic initiative by

In Canada, you can go to the website and donate there.

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We’re working with to bring hope to those affected by the recent earthquakes in Türkiye & Syria.

Bid on this one-of-a-kind UNHCR Okay Bear to help refugees, displaced people and their host communities.

Auction date TBA.

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Steve Bell: how many rights are too many in the UK? - political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTd6mgw

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難民支援の輪を広げるため、難民援助活動の資料を請求された方に、#ヤマザキマリ さんのキャンペーンカードをプレゼントします。
詳しくは :

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難民の保護と支援に対する世界的な関心を高め、UNHCRを含む国連機関やNGOによる活動に理解と支援を深める日として、2000年の国連総会で毎年6月20日を 「世界難民の日」とすることが決議されました。


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<第1期> 【ご報告】国連UNHCR協会へ人道支援金として売り上げの全額を寄付させていただき、受付完了通知が公開されました。作品をお迎えくださった方、SNSでご賛同ご支援いただきました皆様に感謝申し上げます🌻🕊
第2期22日~ 🕊

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国連機関のUNHCR、ウクライナ支援のためステーブルコインによる寄付受入れ https://t.co/AzSXj4we9Y

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皆さんのご参加とご支援のお陰で、3月のチャリティーキャンペーンを無事終えることができました。 多くの関心と支援を送っていただき、ありがとうございます。心から感謝を申し上げます。一日も早く世界が平和になることを祈ります。

UNHCR 183.57 $
赤十字社 147,500ウォン https://t.co/NTUDUFBAx4

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A dedication illustration for my late Nana and the people of Ukraine 🇺🇦

*please read Instagram post: mailing out signed printed copies for donations of 100

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New! "Warmth#1" and "Light#1".
The full amount of the highest offer will be donated.
We will send your donation to UNHCR to ensure that it is not used to purchase weapons.
We look forward to your support.

⏳Today 19:00 (JST)

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話題の2作を配信‼ お見逃しなく❗



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"UKRAINE: SHORT STORIES. Contemporary artists from Ukraine" Works from the Imago Mundi Collection

10 - 20 March 2022
MAXXI Spazio Corner, Rome

Admission € 5 | all proceeds will be donated to the fund for set up by UNHCR, UNICEF, and the Red Cross

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🇺🇦 There’s a war on. Therefore, all profits from this new signed print ”The Wood-wife” will go directly to UNHCR and their humanitarian work in Ukraine and many other conflicts across the globe.
Link to the webshop: https://t.co/rAKku5fttQ 🎨

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“Hope”Acrylic on canvas 30 x 40 inches . In response to man’s inhumanity to man and the tragedy in Ukraine we will be offering proceeds from the sale of this painting to UNHCR,more details to follow

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So if you give 20$/€ to the UNHCR, you can have a colored waist-up sketch of a character (OC & fan-art) like this one ↓. You just have to DM me proof of the donation (email + receipt)
DM are open for any question & if you want to arrange things for bigger/smaller donations!

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