Raffaello Sanzio, también conocido como Rafael de Urbino, pintor italiano del Renacimientoque nació .

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Plates showing the story of Orpheus by Nicola da Urbino, c. 1520.

Orpheus meets Charon, loses Eurydice, charms animals, and finally receives a fatal beatdown from angry Maenads. I didn't know about that last part.

Correr Museum

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Raphael, April 6, 1483 - April 6, 1520
Today, we acknowledge the 539th anniversary of the birth of Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino, an Italian painter and architect of the High Renaissance. With Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci, he forms the traditional trinity of great masters.

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Raphaël (aussi nommé Raffaello Santi, Raffaello da Urbino, Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino), peintre et architecte italien de la Haute Renaissance, né le 6 avril 1483 à Urbino dans les Marches italiennes et mort le 6 avril 1520 à Rome.

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Tombe de Lorenzo de Medici, duc d’Urbino, Chapelle des Médicis, (Michel-Ange, 1520-1534).

Jonathan Joestar (JOJOVELLER, 2013).

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Les Ducs d'Urbino, Battista Sforza et Federico de Montefeltro, par

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Ricco dettaglio da "Leone X con i cardinali Giulio de' Medici e Luigi de' Rossi" di Raffaello Sanzio (Urbino, Italia 1483 - 1520). Uffizi, Firenze.
Il libro riprodotto è la "Hamilton Bible" (1350) Napoli, Cristoforo Orimina.

Via Libri Usati e Antichi

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Wish youu all a healthy Eastern

Frescoes in the
Oratory of San Giovanni Battista,
Urbino, c. 1416

by Lorenzo SALIMBEN

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Born OTD in 1483, Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino, the Divine One

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Sapevate che il Lussemburgo è l’unico granducato rimasto al mondo?

La cittadina di Echternach, il castello di Vianden, i labirinti della fortezza di .

Grande quanto la provincia di Pesaro e Urbino, il Lux. è per molti una terra da scoprire.


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La sorpresa è grande: la Maddalena vede Gesù appena risorto apparirle davanti.
“Non mi toccare, perché non sono ancora salito al Padre mio", afferma Gesù. Sullo sfondo, Urbino, tanto amata dal pittore Federico Barocci che vi era nato (1535-1612).

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The Holy Family under an Oak Tree ,
RAPHAEL Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino, (1483 -1520), was an Italian painter and architect.

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Some of our Calder, Lalanne, Kapoor and Saint Phalle are currently being exhibited at the Palazzo Ducale of Italy, as part of '#Scultura Aurea', a complete display with over 140 pieces of artist made

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Italian painter and architect of the High Renaissance, Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino, known as Raphael was born on this day in 1483.

What's your favourite of Raphael’s work?

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