We wish you prosperity and lasting peace and happiness, today and always. Happy Vesak Day 2022!

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Happy Vesak Day!🪷🧘🏻‍♀️
A prince was born on this full moon day, and he defeated mara with poise and grace where finally found the middle way. Lastly, in peace and calm he passed away. 🪷

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GUYS, I'M FLOORED!!! A fan of mine turned my Buddha illustration into a 3D render and I'm in awe. They even got the details of the robe correct. This just made my entire Vesak!!!

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selenophile (n.) คนที่หลงรักพระจันทร์ หลงใหลการมองดวงจันทร์ยามค่ำคืน
มาจากคำในภาษากรีก selene = พระจันทร์ และ -phile = ผู้รักหรือชอบบางสิ่ง
Moonlight ผลงานของ John Constable จิตรกรชาวอังกฤษ

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Wishing all our Buddhist friends a happy Sabbe Satta Bhavantu Sukhitatta

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Segenap redaksi dan komikus re:ON Comics mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Waisak 2564 BE bagi Reonites yang merayakan.

Semoga semua makhluk berbahagia. 🙏🏻

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Happy Vesak Day 2019/2563 for Buddhist friends around the world ❤
May all beings be happy 🙏🙏

🌟Mobile wallpaper version : https://t.co/QQRcmXvrFx 🌟

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Happy Vesak to all my Friends! May you be blessed with happiness and prosperity! https://t.co/jTvp30WJGu

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