
201 1061

Eu apoio Lana Wachowski dirigindo pra trazer os elementos queer e fazer a Diana deixar de ser bissexual da shopee

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Well no apparently, but hey, here's a bump of my beefy bruiser WW

14 57

What villain would you want in a and who would you cast as the character?

3 35

- Disney ha retrasado el rodaje de Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, ahora es prioridad para la directora Patty Jenkins.

Y la producción podría iniciar más pronto... 🔥👀

27 420

:crosses fingers: Nubia & Artemis join forces to tackle Circe, Giganta, Hades, Strife

1 3

¿Preparando el relevo a Diana?

Según podría aparecer en y tener su propio spin off después.

3 4

Warner ha ufficialmente dato il via libera al terzo film dell'Amazzone, sempre con e al timone.
Il secondo film ha attualmente racimolato 85 Milioni al botteghino mondiale (di cui 16 in patria)!

1 9


- Maybe it is too soon... and impossible right now (who knows?) but Naomi Scott as Donna Troy ( Wonder Girl ) works (for me).

3 10

DO IT give Diana the allies she deserves

7 18

She definitely looks like the character 😂, she would make a good winter soldier/falcon type character for instead of being the usual teenage sidekick. And can also could be a good antagonist

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