【参加者募集開始!近現代史 基本の「き」~日韓の歴史~】

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Here's a little sneak preview of what I'm working on for the local YWCA fundraiser project. I'm adding color to my print!

Coming soon to . 👀

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機関紙10月号の特集は「#気候危機 を止めたい!」
合わせて、#脱炭素 社会に向けてYWCAが大切にしてることもぜひお読みください。

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Recently I was commissioned by my mom at United Way to create a caricature of Marci Martinez-Howey, who was nominated for the YWCA's Woman of the Year award. Congratulations Marci, and thank you for your amazing volunteer work!

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서울YWCA는 매달 소년원에 있는 여성청소년 100여명에게 도서와 멘토링 편지를 보내주는 사업을 하고있습니다. 올해는 작은 서점과도 함께합니다. 책과 손편지를 나누는 북멘토링은 누구나 참여할수 있습니다. 청소녀들의 책멘토가 되어주세요https://t.co/J24xTJYjLW

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TOMORROW AT 11:30 | YWCA policy analyst Anjum Sultana on her report, A Feminist Recovery Plan for Canada | |

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This year on YWCA Canada is asking for your support to fight widespread Gender-Based Violence in our communities. The rights of people to a life free of violence is Be a part of the change!

Donate Today https://t.co/Fzpz55mf79

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没(1624・旧暦9月6日、秀吉の正室)、#学習院 開校(1877)、#YWCA 創立(1905、#津田梅子)、#泰緬鉄道 完成(1943)、#愛新覚羅溥儀 没(1967、満州国皇帝)

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Every year, in the third week of October, the YWCA movement around the world in over 100 countries come together to celebrate a

A Gender Violence-Free Future is

Donate today!

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YWCA 할망구들이 환생했나

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Watch - YWCA activists speaking out to end gender-based violence.

December 6 is Canada’s National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women.

Video Link: https://t.co/p3AhJuP1fK

Support YWCA Canada: https://t.co/yXYRCuuzMw

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Pre-auction art viewing at in downtown Topeka for the upcoming show (https://t.co/KIjpo6FbYR)

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