Now done with the Bust Portrait!
Zan Zanryu, as MkII with a Scarf that belongs to his brother, now must carry on his will and hero duty.

4 19

Ranmaru - Zan Evolution Butouden
She is from a game called - for the SFC/SNES Fighting Game.
She's a hidden guest character for my game since I made her sprites of her.
I hope you like her if you can play her...

1 9

Wendy Seungmai

The Red-headed Hotshot with Silver Feet will give you a last whooping of her Taekwondo Kicks!

5 20

Lucy Jones / Spike Fraser

Happy New Year! And now finished my coloring of these Two Grapplers! For those who play one of these characters, thank you for being fans and trying!

3 13

Taka Hoppa / Zanryu Zan

Here comes the Boxer and Blue Shoto Hero Protagonist!
Until next time... Grapplers will come into play in drawing!...

2 15

Fanhua / Renmia Alexia

People's favorite OC Girls! But indeed, there is more than just them... More drawings of my OCs will come soon...

1 18

Zan Zanryu - The Legend of Zan Zanryu
The Blue Hero of Hankyo is back to SRPG! And reworking my old game to its rightful place when in time it will be playable demo until New Years Day... (2023)

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Minako - The Legend of Zan Zanryu (Now colored!)

A young thief girl who serves her orphans and her own justice. She freed herself with help from the underground prison and met up with the Zan Brigade to take over Wariton Castle. She joins Zan for justice.

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Minako - The Legend of Zan Zanryu (WIP)

She looks like Patty from FE: Genealogy of the Holy War Series. I was inspired by the cuteness of a thief.
Minako's name was also used in DWO a long time ago. I wanted to make her my own Minako.

1 10

Lynnchan - The Legend of Zan Zanryu

"That young boy who saved the people from the dark sorcerer... He earned the title the Hero of Hankyo. His name was... Zan Zanryu..."
~~Interaction with Zanryu in Ch12...

3 10

Kuma Sanari - The Legend of Zan Zanryu

Daughter of the Great Goda and sister of Harron the Young Axe User. Sanari is a Gryphonrider unit with Agile to double and dodge. She serves the Zan Brigade. One of the early 3 units you get ingame! (Chapter 1)

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Ayamu - The Legend of Zan Zanryu

An influence as Eldest Sister of the Beastwings, based on Palla and Whitewings from FE: Shadow Dragon. She is polite and motivated but can get firm and stubborn and also will not judge at a decision is declared.

3 12

Ayamu - The Legend of Zan Zanryu

I wonder if the Kaga fans would go mad if I had copied this color design out of this character from Berwick Saga??...
Hey! I like the character too! Having too much lore based on the "FE" or "Kaga did it first" thing!

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Renmia Alexia (Now Colored!)

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Aimi Saki - The Legend of Zan Zanryu (Bust Portrait)

3 14

Renmia Alexia - Blocking!
Whose Fighting OCs wanna face her?

4 15

Zan Evolution Butouden / Fighter Select!
I finished the sprite sheet of my 10th OC! Now I gotta rip the pieces and palette index so I can create her with Fighter Factory!

4 15

Zanryu Zan - Zan Evolution Butouden (IKEMEN)
My Pocket Mugen Original Character...
"I haven't been drawing much... Activities are becoming complicated..." 😣😣😣

3 6

Drawing and Coloring Zanryu again...

3 9

Lucy Jones - (Zan Evolution Butouden)
"Power is Beauty... Is what from the inside..."
Thank you all for liking posts of my OC Lucy Jones!
She is honored to be created and introduced in Fighting!

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