Courtney Babcock from ParaNorman, cos it's spooky month

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Siguiendo el abc abandonado de Ocs, Daniel, mi ángel completamente original que pertenece a mi historia llamada: "Last chance".

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B de Blake, mi oc de FMA. Es parte de la milicia, pero no (?). Es un jodido desastre, pero se le quiere (?)

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En la contraparte del Challenge de Canon, comienzo del de Ocs con August, Gussie, mi oc de Marvel (X-Men).

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Four characters I adore four friends to tag
(Courtney Babcock, Fidget, Benny Gabor, Laverne)

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has been observed across the U.S. ever since 1894 when it was instituted by Charles Almanzo Babcock, a superintendent of The aim of this day is to not only celebrate but to fight for their

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Q per quinoa 🤠 yehaw! Eccovi un nuovo oc del love harem 👀 una Quinotauro texana molto patriottica 🇺🇸 .

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P per partenope 🐠 pure se è una sirena e vive 24h su 24 in acqua riman semb tost 👀🤣 .

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M per Minou 👀 la M doveva essere per forza lui ❤️ partito come cosplay di nagatoro , poi ho deciso di farlo tigrotto 🐯

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L per Lacraine 👀 un oc abbastanza nuovo 🤷‍♂️ un lich divenuto esorcista che “punisce” gli spiriti maligni 👀 un controsenso no ?

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It is the year of the Ox and wanted to have some fun by drawing Courtney Babcock wearing a cow bikini costume being mistaken as a cow and getting abducted by a UFO XD

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Pretty annoying that when the '99 Deathlok comic gets great John Buscema art, it also replaces the nice John Babcock lettering with the work of whatever evil oxford robot did the sound effects for bad-period 2000AD

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I don't have anything halloween related to show, except this FinnelanxBabcock cosplaying as Edgar and Belle.

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