Portrait of illustrator extraordinaire Vin Ganapathy!

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apathy to mandera killings potrays our skewed priorities

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'Stretch After A Run' - you'll feel better if you do! by Vin Ganapathy () http://t.co/H6qXcxd8GE

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Apathy a new & special textmode artpack http://t.co/WrIg1FXS8T

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Очень крутой художник Vin Ganapathy (http://t.co/S8am1YGhUo).

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Phoebe cough cool by Vin Ganapathy

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always tackling the tough issues with razor sharp apathy

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Got another demo out. I encourage you to send all input handling apathy my way here or there https://t.co/jRdAvX17oY

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Happy birthday Vin Ganapathy, one of our Fakulty members, from everyone at Sketchbook Skool!

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"Sandra and Frida" created by Vin Ganapathy is for sale in Sktchy's first ever art exhibit… https://t.co/ntnJy4Mxt9

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